Energy Retrofits
Generate energy savings with superior technology.

Buildings consume approximately half (49%) of all energy used in the United States and three-quarters of all electricity, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Building energy retrofits, or the application of energy-efficient or clean energy generation measures to existing building stock, represent a significant opportunity to save money, reduce climate impacts, and create jobs.
ATPG's NRG Coating uses cool technology
to contribute to energy efficiency and cost savings.
The International Green Construction Code was developed in 2009 in response to a consensus need for a “green code” that addressed safe and sustainable design and construction practices. The IGCC applies to all new and renovated commercial and residential buildings over three stories high.
The historic code sets mandatory baseline standards for all aspects of building design and construction, including:
Energy and Water Efficiency
Site Impacts
Building Waste

Across the U.S., between 40% to 60% of all buildings were built before 1980, when building codes generally specified much less wall insulation than required today, creating the need for retrofits to bring older buildings up-to-date with the new standards.
For these existing buildings, infiltration is often the biggest energy driver.
According to the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey, the US had more than 5.5
million commercial buildings of which 36% of their energy consumption was used for heating
and cooling. By increasing air tightness of these commercial buildings, as much as 52% of total
energy use could be saved.
Targeting net-zero energy standards in new construction is great however, without addressing
the huge energy load in existing buildings reducing the carbon footprint will remain elusive.
New York City, with the adoption of Local Law 97, confronts this issue of increasing energy efficiency in existing buildings.

The International Green Construction Code

NYC Local Law 97
Local Law 97 establishes emissions regulations on buildings over 25,000 sq. ft. that are subject to benchmarking.
Local Law No 97 of 2019, passed as a part of the Climate Mobilization Act in March 2019, requires large (over 25,000 square feet in 2017) existing buildings in New York City to reduce their emissions by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.
This law is the most ambitious unique and novel legislation of any city in the world. It targets existing buildings and requires owners to invest in renovation and retrofitting to make their buildings more energy efficient.
Local Law 97 imposes harsh penalties for building owners who do not comply.

Energy Savings

A recent study published by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Laurence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) found that adopting cool wall technology presents the opportunity for significant energy savings. The study analyzed more than 100,000 building simulations and concluded that 40% energy savings in pre-1980 buildings are attainable.

What is a Cool Wall?
A “cool” wall is an exterior wall surface that stays cool in the sun by strongly reflecting sunlight and efficiently emitting thermal infrared radiation. Reflective walls have long been used to cool buildings in hot, sunny climates and first appeared in the International Green Construction Code in 2018.
To make a wall cool, commercially available light color paints and darker “cool color” paints can be field-applied to walls or factory-applied to wall products. Integrally colored wall products such as vinyl siding can also incorporate light color or cool color pigments. While most wall surfaces reflect diffusely and send about half of their reflected light into the city, special retroreflective wall products that return light toward the sun could help bounce sunlight out of the city.

Our team of professionals will conduct a free Energy Analysis and prepare a no-obligation turn-key proposal, which will enable buildings owners to avoid violations and huge fines while increasing property values and decreasing operating costs.